P-05-940 Reduce cancelled operations

This petition was submitted by Claire-Louise Walker having collected a total of 100 signatures.


Text of Petition                       

An article published on 31 July 18 stated that 178,000 operations in Wales were cancelled in the last 2 years (2016-2018), 70,000 due to non clinical reasons. 90,000 were cancelled in 2017/18.


In 2012 my son passed away, he was placed on the waiting list for an emergency tonsillectomy in September 2011 the first operation was cancelled because of no HDU bed being available, the second and third was cancelled by ourselves because Dylan was not well enough. The fourth and final operation was cancelled because of no HDU bed being available this was scheduled to take place the day he died.

An investigation concluded that had he had the operation he would have made a full recovery.


We are now fast approaching almost a decade since his death and Cardiff and Vale heath board assured me that changes had been put in place. It has become apparent given these diabolical high figures that nothing has changed.


I call upon Vaughan Gething, and the Welsh Assembly to put changes in place to ensure that the number of cancelled operations are dramatically reduced. I personally find these figures disgusting. 


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Cynon Valley

·         South Wales Central